Lamp post, now a little bit nicer than last time you saw it :)
Viewed: 1560 times.
The filler had cracked in the panel-join that you see in the middle of this picture. I removed all of it, sandblasted, primed, painted and then added new fresh filler/glue.
Viewed: 1548 times.
One more pic of the same.
Viewed: 1458 times.
Rust under the rear lamp, sandblasted it, will acid treat it.
Viewed: 1374 times.
Previous owner had welded the seam over the rear quarter windows. I was a bit worried about this so just had to sandblast it to ensure it's not starting to corrode straight away.
Viewed: 1388 times.
Again, the windscreen area.
Viewed: 1413 times.
Enginemount fasteningpoint primed.
Viewed: 1445 times.
Viewed: 1484 times.
Engine compartment got primer on the blasted areas.
Viewed: 1865 times.
A pillar and sill looked better on the right side, so didn't have to do very much work on this side.
Viewed: 1502 times.
Put some primer on anyway.
Viewed: 1432 times.
Fabricating mount for the radiator. I attached it with bolts so it can be easily removed. This will make it much eaiser to get the engine in and out.
Viewed: 1418 times.
Think the rad is low engough, only time will show.
Viewed: 1398 times.
Cleaning the rear arches
Viewed: 1437 times.
They turn out vert well, althought some rust a few places.
Viewed: 1487 times.
Especially around where the rubbergrommet for the filler-pipe have been trapping water.
Viewed: 1466 times.
Most of the underseal looks intact.
Viewed: 1474 times.
Had to cut out and weld in a little metal under the left rear light, was actually corroded through the metal at this place. Primed with zink primer here, but that didin't seem to have good adhesion at all, so I sanded it down and put on 2k epoxy afterwards.
Viewed: 1618 times.