quick peek underneath, while ground clearance allows.. gear lever linkage + heatshields install
Viewed: 1707 times.
B-post vinyl covers, 3M grained self-adhesives actually
Viewed: 1547 times.
B-post roof joint detail, weatherstrip and vinyl cover, with door open..
Viewed: 1432 times.
..and closed
Viewed: 1539 times.
rear end loom
Viewed: 1488 times.
valeo lock set
Viewed: 1504 times.
bonnet lock before..
Viewed: 1513 times.
...and after
Viewed: 1429 times.
so far only non-Peugeot items.
left, Fiat Uno cabin moulding clip, ensures very tight panel fit indeed.
right, VW golf II body trim clip, needs some persuading.
Viewed: 1414 times.
cabin insulation mats, stored in dry place for almost 4 years
Viewed: 1430 times.
look whom I found there! :-)
Viewed: 1438 times.
rear seat
Viewed: 1392 times.
309 heat shield
Viewed: 1412 times.
I can't help myself polishing stuff! :)
Viewed: 1427 times.
trunk light, anyone seen this new? :-)
Viewed: 1359 times.
door card
Viewed: 1356 times.