The very first thing that was necessary, was to enlarge the area of both side vents, by nearly 100%.
Viewed: 3561 times.
A glimpse of an air-intake scoop in the making.
Viewed: 3298 times.
You can get a better idea of the shape of the intakes in this picture...
Viewed: 3984 times.
...while from this angle it looks like a patch of some sort :-).
Viewed: 3506 times.
A closer look...
Viewed: 3337 times.
...and another one.
Viewed: 3231 times.
The metal-worker / welder on the job again, adding finishing touches to the shape of the scoops...
Viewed: 3469 times.
...and then proceeding to weld them...
Viewed: 3283 times.
...all the way round.
Viewed: 3101 times.
Exterior welding finished.
Viewed: 3241 times.
The scoop on the other side of the car has been done exactly the same.
Viewed: 3304 times.
A shot from another angle.
Viewed: 3161 times.
The inner part of the scoop has been made next.
Viewed: 3346 times.
You can see it better in this shot.
Viewed: 3086 times.
After the scoops have been primered...
Viewed: 3458 times.
...the car got a quick wash to get all the dust off it.
Viewed: 3544 times.