I set off to Rijeka on 3rd of May, to spectate a Grobnik Street Race event but got there a bit late due to traffic.
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205 Mi32 near Grobnik race track.
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Later that day, I met up with Damir (Damir_GTI) in Rijeka.
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4th of May, a short break with Damir, heading to Pula.
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Eurotrip arrives in Pula!
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Sadly, the majority of groups were running way behind schedule, so it turned out to be a rather small meet.
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CJ's Atlantis Blue 205...
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...with a GTI-6 engine.
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Frank's mint 205 Dimma.
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2.0 8v Turbo engine.
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Styled 205 with an Mi16 engine.
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Ziga's 405 T16 engine bay.
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Joined by the Polish group in the evening.
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