...about what's in the rear end of the 205 Mi32...
Viewed: 1491 times.
...and if they're not puzzled enough with the rear engine...
Viewed: 1521 times.
...they are when they find out the front one is still in there as well :-).
Viewed: 1483 times.
A message from our team's sponsors.
Viewed: 1492 times.
205 Mi32 together with a 7 secs dragster!
Viewed: 1674 times.
And here are a few more post-race car shots...
Viewed: 1415 times.
With susnset came an opportunity for a few artistic shots.
Viewed: 1430 times.
This time round with me in the car :-).
Viewed: 1554 times.
...and then by the car.
Viewed: 1571 times.
A few more arty shots...
Viewed: 1397 times.